Sunday, May 13, 2012

         What Makes You Beautiful: A Message For Mothers

Here is the final product.  Music and lyrics by me, Amber Gurr.  The film was directed by Wendy Santiano ( and edited by Rod Santiano.  The vocalists are Erin and MiKayla Baxter.  The song was produced by Aaron Edson.

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

You Are Beautiful

A couple weeks ago my friend asked me to write a song for a Mother's Day video she was making for her blog.  It's a song that is about mother's and daughters and seeing yourself in the same light in which you see those you love.  My neighbor Erin and her daughter, Mikayla are the featured vocalists.  It was so fun to work with all of these lovely people and recording with someone new was also wonderful.  I am excited that we have found a fabulously talented arranger/producer to work with us and our music!  Thank you Wendy, Rod, Aaron,Erin and Mikayla!  I'm so excited for things to come!

Go to this site and hear part of my newest song, "You are Beautiful" on Mother's Day.
Happy Mother's Day!